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The municipality of Tecate is part of the Estate of Baja California in Mexico. According to the Instituto Nacional de Estadística, Información e Informática, INEGI (National Institute of Statistics, Information, and Informatics), in the 2005 census it had a population of 91,021.

Tecate, Baja California
Tecate, Baja California

It borders south with the municipality of Ensenada, to the east with the municipality of Mexicali, and to the west with the municipality of Tijuana. These three borders are within the Mexican Estate of Baja California. To the north, it borders with the U.S.

The territorial extension of Tecate is around 3,079 km² (1913.61 Square Miles)

Origins of the Name
The true origin of the name is unknown; there are a few theories but none with sustainable evidence. One of these theories says that the name is from native origins and it means ‘cut stone’ or ‘cut tree’. Another one says that it may be derived from ‘tecata’, which is the crust of the Encino, a medicinal plant typical of the region.

Building on the ‘cut tree’ version, this is due that there were many trees in the Tecate region and that North Americans came down ‘to cut firewood’, The Hispanic locals as they couldn’t pronunciate well ‘to cut’, started transforming the words until it became ‘Tecate’. This is a theory that has been handed down through the generations of the Tecate residents.


Tecate Beer Brewery
Tecate Beer Brewery

The main activities are the beer industry, the manufacturing industry, and the wine industry, being Tecate beer one of the most important in the region. Secondly, there are agriculture, cattle, commercial industries and other activities like pastry are very popular among locals.

The city has various learning centers, with one of them being Universidad Autónoma de Baja California campus. The analphabetism index is practically nonexistent.

Tecate Real Estate
Tecate real estate offers mostly ranches and vacant lots. Houses and Condos, although rare are available for sale in some areas. Tecate doesn’t have any beaches or oceanfront territory.