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These days we are so used to having a phone in our house or with us wherever we go that we take it for granted, but it is one of the things to have on your mind when you are considering buying in Baja. Here are some options for your communications needs.

Telephony In Baja
Telephony In Baja

It is recommended that at all possible you avoid using the blue phones that let you charge the call to your Credit card to call long-distance collect; even though the local rates seem reasonable the rates for calls to the U.S. and Canada are not so.

Land Lines
Telnor is a company that offers landlines in Baja California you can go to their offices or call toll-free 01-800-025-2525 from any Mexican phone. Telnor also Offer several packages that include special rates for national and international long-distance, for more information visit their website

Voice over IP Service for your Long Distance Calling
There are several options for this service if you already have internet in your home some of which are BroadVoice, Lingo, Vonage, and Skype to name a few with packages starting from $19.95 some requiring an activation fee. Go online for more information.

The call back system (Call to the U.S. for less than 20¢ a minute)
There are different call-back system services and they offer good rates. Some offer the service for a low monthly fee. You need to go on the internet and find out more about this system to see if it suits you.

Cellular Phones
Will my mobile phone work in Mexico? Chances are it will, but the suggestion is that you contact your carrier to ask about service in Mexico and for plans for international phone calls while you are here, because even though you may get service, rates for international calls and send/receive messages can be very expensive. When buying a home, if you plan on using only your U.S. mobile phone (no landline) make sure the area is not a dead zone.