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Baja Real Estate Group | Rosarito Real Estate

It is Very IMPORTANT to have Mexico Insurance

Car Insurance in Mexico
Car Insurance in Mexico

Having Mexican Auto Insurance is very important; if you already have auto insurance make sure that it has liability coverage for Mexico to at least $100,000 dollars, the reason is that if you get into an accident you are liable for damages and your car can be impounded until fault is found or damages paid. If you are not sure your insurance is valid in Mexico, call your agent and be sure to ask if they cover physical damages.

If you need to buy Mexican insurance, plan ahead, if you can shop around, you can probably get Mexican insurance for less than $15.00 a day, but you must make sure that it is a Combine Single Limit (some companies may split the limits i.e. 40/80/40, which means per person/per occurrence for bodily injury/physical damage) covering Civil Liability and Physical Damages (this in case your U.S. insurance does not cover damages in Mexico). There are also packages for 6 or 12 month coverage.

Where To Buy Car Insurance

Jorge Cuadros
Ph:011-52-(661)-61-3-04-91 or
E:[email protected]

Bernie’s Insurance
E:[email protected]

Otañez Gonzalez y Asociados
Ph:011-52 (664)-6-30-64-90
E:[email protected]

Baja Bound Online
Toll Free: 888.552.2252
From U.S.A: 619.702.4292