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Am I paying too much for my Baja Real Estate? Is it the right choice? The decision might be daunting, especially if you are paying cash. But it shouldn´t be.

Am I paying too much for my Baja Real Estate
Am I paying too much for my Baja Real Estate

When buying real estate in Baja, most foreigners choose to pay cash. And while it is nice not to have a mortgage, writing a check can be a bit nerve-wracking. Am I overpaying? Am I buying in the right location? Should I buy a smaller property –just in case I change my mind?

Well, I´m here to tell you that after living and working in Baja for over 20 years, I have never heard anyone say: “The worst thing I did was move to Mexico”. What we hear more often is: “I should have moved sooner”.

It is perfectly natural, though, to feel some hesitancy. So this is my advice on how to solve this conundrum:

  • Ask yourself: In five years, will this still be the perfect home for me? If the answer is yes, then go ahead and buy it.
  • Is the expense a bit more than what you wanted to spend? Then go for a house that is in a more comfortable price range. You can always move up in the future. Many current Rosarito residents start out with vacation homes. They enjoy the convenience of owning a beach home in Rosarito, and discover that the cost of living in Mexico is much lower than that of the U.S. So once their time to retire comes, Mexico seems the natural choice. However, the vacation home might seem too large, or too small. So it´s common to see the “vacation home” sold, in order to buy a more suitable permanent home.

Now, regarding property cost: While comps in Mexico are not very easy to obtain, it´s important to do your homework! Before presenting an offer, be sure to ask a realtor for comps in the area. And by area, I don´t just mean the community of your choice, but homes and condos in nearby communities.

Costs often change based not only on the community´s location, but on the location within the community, and on the available amenities. The cost per square foot will often decrease the further away from the ocean the property is, and you will likely pay more for a higher floor, or a better quality view (though there are truly no “bad views” in the Rosarito-Ensenada Corridor).

Be forewarned, though: Prices are rising! You might feel you are paying $5 to $10,000 more than you expected, or what the home was worth a year ago. But this is when you have to ask the “five year question”. If you can see yourself in that home, buy it! There is no better time than today. But if you aren’t sure, then move on to the next property.

There are still some great investments in the area; a good realtor will help you find one. Remember every person has their own idea of a dream home. Sometimes paying a bit more doesn’t matter in the long run.

From the Baja Real Estate Group Marketing Staff. For more information, please contact Kathy Katz at [email protected].

Kathy Katz
Kathy Katz

About Kathy Katz.
AMPI Charter Member-Rosarito Chapter Mexican Certified Baja Real Estate Agent Full Time Resident for over 20 years. Broker-owner for the Baja Real Estate Group with over 20 years of experience doing business in Mexico. Specializing in development, resort and retirement properties.


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