Settling In Baja
You´ve owned your home in BAJA for a year… And life is just getting better and better. You took a chance. You decided to retire abroad… to reinvent your life. And now that you´ve owned a home in Baja for a year there is no doubt: moving to Rosarito was one of the best decisions in your life.
At first, naturally, there were some jitters. Where would you go for groceries or medical care? How would you navigate the language barrier? Would you often need –or want, to go across to the U.S.? Would you feel homesick or alone?
But as time´s gone by, every one of these concerns has been eroded, and replaced by one pleasant surprise after another.
Your social life is active and rewarding. You´ve found many like-minded ex-pats who are now enjoying a full life here –and very willing to share their friendship with you.
And those friends and family members that used to come for dinner back in the States, now visit you in Baja and stay the week. You all joke about how owning an oceanfront property in Baja has boosted your popularity index…. But the truth is, it´s a lovely way to reconnect, and enjoy and share this wonderful place.
You´ve discovered a whole gastronomical universe beyond Puerto Nuevo Lobster. Checking out those restaurants in Ensenada and Valle de Guadalupe that are attracting foodies from all over the world has become a part of your routine. Sure, you have added a few pounds from all the restaurant visits and socializing, but you also walk a lot more. The outdoors is hard to resist when you live by the sea.
And speaking about health: not only have found a doctor you like -you have his personal cell phone number for questions and emergencies.
But it’s a well-known fact that Mexico excels at service. Point of case: You now have the most reliable maid and a handyman. Maybe you could do with less, but their services are so affordable, you decide to pamper yourself. There are home-cooked meals every day, your closet is spotless… and your hubby is so happy and relaxed now that the “honey list” is gone.
The need to visit the U.S. diminished once you realized everything you need can be found here. Supermarkets carry American brands and items, the produce is fresh and inexpensive, and the local pharmacy has your medication in stock.
But to you, as too many Americans before, the biggest shock of their first year in Baja is how affordable life is. You might have heard that the cost of living in Rosarito would be 25% lower than in the U.S., but you´ve found out it is closer to 35% percent less.
When the time came to pay your first property tax, you were expecting to pay $250 a year. But taking advantage of the early-bird price, plus the senior discount, you got an extra 15% discount.
So yes, you took a chance, it was scary at first. But after a year, not only has life in Baja exceeded your expectations: it´s getting better and better every day.
From the Baja Real Estate Group Marketing Staff. For more information, please contact Kathy Katz at [email protected].
About Kathy Katz.
AMPI Charter Member-Rosarito Chapter Mexican Certified Baja Real Estate Agent Full Time Resident for over 20 years. Broker-owner for the Baja Real Estate Group with over 20 years of experience doing business in Mexico. Specializing in development, resort, and retirement properties.